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What r the methods of reducing excessive sexual desire?is there any

my sex level is excessively high,being a female it is quite hard to deal with it in the traditional society i belong to.mine is only crude biological need that never ends and involves very less emotional feelings.i have a partner,but he definitely can't serve me through out the whole day.i also prefer monogamy.what can i do?is there any medical treatment?any religious process?anything will do,please suggest!!

You have naturally high sex drive and your body has that power, thank God,
nly high sexed person can achieve in life whether be it material or spiritual,
You also are right that you believe in Monogamy
Indian Spirituality says, human has four responsibilities, Arth, money, kaam =sex, Dharm-religion, and Moksha-liberation,
So those who have power , will have good live, good sex and if they use this power to realize the soul, they can be liberated.
oour religion has shown the way to transform and use the sexual energy for spiritual realization.

Meditation is the way to Transform the goal, but how will you be able to sit in meditation directly

Primary you need to know your mind is filled with sexual energy so you need to have clear understnding that even if you start prayer, medition etc will not be so effective,
But I suggest a following way 1- Cleaning Exercises of Body and Mind 2- Sitting for Meditation for soul

your unsatisfied need for sex is hiding in mind and taking toll on your body or mind secretly which you are not aware, may be anger depressoin etc.
so you need to be Cleaned

I have exercise which is inexpensive no gym needed, done at home, in your room

There is a Dynamic way to do it.... every day get up early morning... or when you have some time for one hour for this only...
This exercise is divided in four parts, and has three level
Primary, 20 minutes
Secondary 40 minutes
Final 60 minutes

We start with Primary level
First part is dealing with activation of your system, dormant emotions are waken up, your system is charged,
Second part is expressing the gathered stuff out,
Third part is again charging the body
Fourth part is just silent.

First part you choose a silent room, exclusive to you only, wear loose clothing, stand relaxed, both hand by side of waist. Legs one foot apart, knees slightly bent, relaxed,
Room should not be too airy or too cold/hot,

Start breathing out with force from nose, keep mouth shut,
And continue for five minutes, in breath will be automatic, you concentrate on out breath.

Continuing up to five minutes, then come to second part

second part is just expressing your ACCUMULATED EMOTIONS, NOT ONLY ANGER BUT ALL, cry, shout, weep, shake your body out violently and wildly... with all emotions released. In beginning it may not be feeling easy or you may feel shy or afraid of family or neighbors but know that THIS IS YOUR LIFE AND YOU ARE SUFFERING, not your family, or neighbor. If they are disturbed by your sounds, you ensure that your shouts are not heard to them, your sound and voice are expressed without Sound, and just wild expressions... continue expressing for five minutes... you will have hell of time, but you have to dare and start, your life is at stake.

Third part, you jump with your soles coming down heavily on floor and you make the sound of hoo, hoo, hoo, from navel, such that it too is not heard by others if they feel disturbed...
Thus your navel will get strong and purged of negativity, weaknesses...
Jumping up down may feel painful but continue,

Then fourth part,
Be silent, stop all jumping shouting, remain standing statue, in silence. Just feel your rushing blood, heavy breathing, heart beats, and aching body, but do not move be a statue...

These twenty minutes will be an ordeal for you, it will be a total blast for you and your system will be cleaned.
This will be a challenge to your Will power to Challenge Yourself.

If you continue for a month, and feel the difference, how you feel anger, how you react and how you feel afterwards...
Now during the day time when anger arises let it arise, but you be alert of this anger and feel your breathing, what is happening to it... just be aware of breathe.
Thus you will feel the anger but anger will not be overpowering you, as your breathe will make you alert that now you are suffering body and mind. So come to relaxed breathing and your angry muscles will relax and the anger will also relax...
There is no direct way to attack enemy but thus indirectly we treat it.

in evening you can spare 20 minutes for sitting exclusively for yourself, watch your thoughts, close eyes, and feel the breathing at nose point, in out in out, sit with crossed legs, on cushion and straight spine, neck, crossed palms
This twenty minutes will give you account of whole days activity and you will feel refreshed too, jut let the thoughts situations person who gave you anger come to screen of your mind. And you watch the breathe. Be attentive of breathe... cotinue on breath without getting flowing with anger thoughts or other thoughts. You be your own self. Look for your source of anger and emotions from where it rises... and keep watching breath...

be careful take hot water bath, after exercise, avoid spicy food, curd, banana pastry, ice-cream chocolates , all the cold cough generating food be avoided...

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