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How to care for stage 1 dog distemper?

Mhn help on the experts, how cr distemper dog treating stage 1, gjala pnjng cough, jln smpoyongan, MKN msh BGS ...
immediately take the animal hospital or vet who had a lodge hall, because the disease is caused by the distemper virus, can quickly spread to others who have not vaccinated dog distemper. If it's too late 50% off or 50% disability, especially small dogs. RS.Hewan there in front Ragunan jl.menuju dep.pertanian, or on the Bogor Institute of Agriculture.
Distemper is caused by paramyxovirus virus, transmitted by air, 6-9 day incubation period. DNG symptoms begin 1-3 days the body temperature rises, the temperature will rise turun.Setelah cough and cold (mukopurulen), there is usually a purulent skin inflammation (dermatitis pustulosa). The disease is difficult to cure please difahami.sebaiknya 2bln vaccinated dogs age much cheaper than treating perawatanya.

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